Archive for the ‘kateri lanthier’ Category


High-rise hair-raise, letters of intent
Visions and revisions, cool A+ shoes
To-do wish list lipstick hit list
Eagle’s eye cam view, wheelchair whirls you
Write it with a Sharpie, write in sugarcane
far from LA TV, loose-tie surgery
Imaging success in crumpled paper clothes
Foot it neatly, plastics family!
Doodle bubble bugger phone, denim our uniform
Use every inch, in life and art
Chatty underwear says no secrets here
DWS could be Doing What’s Smart…
Makes nothing happen? Tell it to the teases.
Poetry’s here to pick up the pieces.


Kateri Lanthier’s  second collection of poetry is forthcoming from Signal Editions, Véhicule Press in Spring 2017. She won the 2013 Walrus Poetry Prize. She is the mother of [co-litter-contributors] Nicholas Sinclair (13), Julia Sinclair (9) and William Sinclair (7). Nicholas Sinclair enjoys being a member of his school’s robotics club, taking nature hikes and thinking philosophically. Julia Sinclair enjoys doing fractions in math class, running laps and drawing cats. William Sinclair enjoys dancing while wearing his fedora, writing poetry and playing the piano.



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musgrave1“We always lie…”